Stroud Community Agriculture is the oldest Community Supported Agriculture scheme in the UK and quite possibly the largest. We have been looking after the land whilst feeding our members biodynamic/organic veg and meat for 20 years. We have over 300 members and provide 250 veg shares every week, with the option to buy meat. Our annual events such as Bonfire Night, Christmas eve carol singing to the cows, Barn Dance and Harvest Festival are part of the glue for our community. Volunteering opportunities, be that practical or office based, are plentiful and well-supported.
Although we have great landlords we are spread across three sites costing us time and money. Ultimately our aim is to have our own land on one site, giving us land security for the long-term. We are looking for 50 – 70 acres of agricultural land in the Stroud Valleys. We are not in a hurry. We can wait for the right opportunity be that gifted, entrusted, fund-raised or on a long lease. Can you help? Do you know someone or somewhere that could lead us to our dream for Stroud Community-Supported Agriculture.