Volunteer at the farm

SCA Volunteers

If you’d like to volunteer for a morning stint any Thursday morning to weed or plant or string up cucumbers or tomatoes contact Ruth who is co-ordinating the volunteers.

We usually meet 9am – 12 at the Round House at Hawkwood.

It’s fun, you get a work-out, you meet other people and can have a good chat, and you help our Stroud Community Agriculture Farm because… we are all members and we are more than a box scheme.

Weekend volunteering

We have also started regular weekend volunteering. Our aim is to give the Farm Team the third weekend off every month.

Download our Volunteer Policy (.docx)

Your Farm Needs You – occasionally!

Sometimes we need muscles or many pairs of hands, say when putting up a polytunnel or filling in potholes. Other times we need skills like:

  • IT support
  • HR advice
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Governance/legal
  • Funding ideas & help
  • Renewables
  • Building/repairs
  • Labouring (not veg)
  • Fun Farm Events – ideas & help
  • Barn Dance – part of an organising team
  • Bonfire Night – soup making + hot drinks
  • Arty and craft folk

SCA needs a bank of members we can call upon for specific help now and again, suiting your skills and ability.

Why not send us your suggestions of ways in which you could help? It’s rewarding being part of this amazing farm and our members make it all the more vibrant, fun and interesting!

Contact: sebastian.billing@stroudcommunityagriculture.org

During the Summer the Farm Team would be really grateful for help with the following:

  • Weeding
  • Planting out seedlings
  • Cropping veg for the shares
  • General farm help
  • Painting and finishing the roundhouse