Become a Member

If you’d like to help support our work – and get loads of yummy veg into the bargain! – you can join our SCA Members’ Vegbox Scheme, and gain access to a delicious weekly share of the farm’s organic, biodynamic and seasonal produce. A full Vegbox share is enough for two adults, and you can also sign up for multiple or half shares.

You can also become an SCA Member for just £3 a month. This enables you to buy organic, pasture fed meat and eggs, have your say on the running of the farm at our AGM, and join us at the farm for our various events throughout the year – like our Bonfire Night, or singing Christmas Carols for the cows.

To find out more about SCA before joining, please read all About SCA.

Veg share September 2022

People sitting around the fire, SCA's Roundhouse in the background

Joining Form

The information you provide in this form will be used only for dealing with you as a member of Stroud Community Agriculture. SCA takes the privacy of our members’ data seriously and will only use your personal information for administration purposes and for communicating with you about your membership.

Your data will be stored and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

We also have a bursary scheme to help members on a low income, as well as a ‘work-share’ scheme that allows one or two members to provide work of real value to SCA in return for a veg share. If you would like to apply for either of these, please email Carol for an application form.

Since the farm needs supporting throughout the year, monthly payments need to continue even if you are on holiday. Members usually arrange for a friend to collect their vegetables when they are away. SCA needs three months’ notice for cancellation of a vegetable share. This ensures that the farm is fully supported and gives us time to recruit someone to take your place.