Camping night at Hawkwood! 8-9 July.

We are having a camping night in July on our farm at Hawkwood.

When and where:

5pm onwards on Saturday 8th July until after breakfast on Sunday 9th July in a field at Hawkwood where the cows aren’t but the butterflies are.

There will be a fire to gather around and tell your stories/anecdotes, sing/teach/play your songs, recite your poems and chat.

We will be making a meal together for the evening (likely to be a mild veg curry, dahl, rice, salad, maybe more). The cost will be £2 for children and £5 for adults. Please bring your own plates and utensils.

Now, it is challenging judging numbers to cater for. Please let Clare
know if you plan to come and how many of you. 
Also text Clare if you would like the food by Saturday 10am.

Once the food is gone it is gone but you can always order a pizza or heat up some beans 🙂 Please bring your own breakfasts.

Text Clare on 07890 584533 or email

SCA Camping 2023 poster