The Biodynamic Land Trust (BDLT) has agreed the sale of Lot 3 of Hammonds Farm with the Burcombe family and the sale process is currently underway. The short time scale – the appeal was launched on 5 June – of this successful campaign is truly amazing, as is the support of over 200 people who generously invested in community shares or donated to help buy the farmland. Many SCA members helped the appeal financially or through volunteering to help spread the word. The BDLT is still accepting funds towards the buyout, if anyone is interested in investing or donating please check for more details.
The BDLT has invited SCA members and the wider community to connect with the land and celebrate the success of this appeal. There will be a celebration at Lansdown Hall with a family bring and share meal on Sunday 11 October from 6.00–8.30pm. The evening will be an opportunity to get to know other Hammonds Lot 3 co-owners and trustees of the BDLT, create a farm future dreaming gallery, hear a bit about the farm and discuss the participative land planning and community engagement events planned.
SCA has agreed to begin the process of converting the 41 acres of Lot 3 to biodynamic management during the first year after the sale is finalised, which will allow the BDLT to facilitate a comprehensive consultation and planning process for how the land will be used in future. The SCA Core Group has continued to discuss potential longer-term engagement by SCA in use and management of the land, building on discussions with SCA members at the Extraordinary General Meeting in July.