Download the SCA Autumn Newsletter here!
Autumn is here! Tis the season for big harvests and transitioning from shorts to everyday waterproofs. Autumn also heralds “second spring”, which involves taking the summer crops out of the tunnel to make way for winter salads and more. It’s also a race with the weather to get all our over winter green manures in the fields so that our beautiful precious soil is covered and happy, before it’s too wet to get the tractor on the land.
In this newsletter we’ve got:
- News from the Farm team, covering crop planning, salaries, and our beautiful new calves Morris, Chamomile and Cosmo
- A celebration of all our fantastic volunteers who help make SCA what it is
- News from the Core Group, as we welcome a new CG member
- A guide to using the Farm Shop for eggs and meat
- News of our upcoming AGM on the 2nd Nov and Bonfire Night on the 8th November
- And much more – it really is a bumper issue!
To read the rest of the Autumn Newsletter – click here